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Welcome to Laikipia University Virtual Campus
Our Main goal is to provide a platform that enables effective delivery of student-centered learning experiences and meets the learners needs.
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Welcome to Laikipia University's ODeL Program! We are thrilled to welcome you to Laikipia University's Online and Distance Learning (ODeL) program, where your academic journey begins. To ensure your success, we are providing comprehensive details on what to expect as follows:
1. Online Courses:
In your first year, you will be taking two courses entirely online: Human Rights (HURI 111) and Communication Skills (COMS 111). This means there will be no physical meetings with your course lecturers. Instead, you will engage in self-paced online learning. This provides you with the flexibility to manage your study schedule. Other courses may be blended (both physical and online), where course lecturers will meet you in lecture halls but provide online coursework.
2. Internet Connectivity:
The university has many hotpots where you can easily access free Wi-Fi.
3. Accessing Learning Content:
We have a user-friendly Learning Management System (LMS) through which all your course materials, including textbooks, lecture notes, and multimedia resources, will be easily accessible. To enable this, Registration and Enrollment in the Laikipia University Virtual Campus will be a requirement. This should be followed by registration for each online course. This step is essential for gaining access to your course materials and communication channels with your lecturers.
4. ODeL Student Manual:
This will be available as soon as your registration in the virtual campus is complete. You are advised to go through the ODeL student manual carefully. This is a comprehensive guide that will be your handbook, clearly giving you directions on navigating your online courses effectively. It contains very useful information on how to engage with course content, submit assignments, and make the most of your learning experience.
We are committed to providing you with a high-quality online learning experience. If you have questions,encounter challenges, or seek support, our course lecturers and dedicated ODeL support team are here to assist you. Your success is our priority.
Please ensure you carefully go through the “Student’s Guidelines for Online Conduct with Lecturers and Fellow Students” and the “Students Online Manual” before you start your online course.
As you embark on your academic journey in Laikipia University's Online and Distance Learning (ODeL) program, it's important to uphold a respectful and professional online environment. The following guidelines are meant to foster a friendly and professional learning atmosphere for interacting with your lecturers and fellow students online. These guidelines should be strictly followed.
Note: Violations of these guidelines may result in disciplinary action.
1. Respectful Communication:
You will be required to use polite and respectful language in all your interactions at all times. It is advised to address your peers by their names and your course lecturers by their appropriate titles and names.
2. Posting of Content in Forums:
Ensure that all your posts, comments, and questions are relevant to the respective course. Stay on-topic and avoid posting unrelated or irrelevant information.
3. Academic Integrity:
You will be expected to maintain academic honesty by submitting only your own work and giving due credit when referencing others' ideas or materials. Plagiarism (presenting other people's work as your own) and all forms of cheating are not tolerated.
4. Timely Communication:
Ensure you respond to course-related discussions and assignments promptly. Timely communication provides a smooth learning experience for everyone.
5. Constructive Feedback:
Exercise care when providing feedback to your peers. All feedback in discussions should be constructive and respectful, respecting other people's opinions even if they differ from yours. Allow for constructive disagreements. Focus on helping your peers improve their work.
6. Seek for Clarification:
Do not hesitate to seek clarification if you don't understand something. Your lecturers and peers are there to help, so don't hesitate to ask for assistance.
7. Patience:
Please be patient at all times when waiting for responses. Remember not everyone will be online at the same time except during weekly chats. As such, allow time for your lecturers and peers to read and respond to messages.
8. Protect Privacy:
To protect your privacy and that of others, never share personal contact information, such as phone numbers or home addresses during course discussions.
9. Netiquette:
Adhere to proper netiquette (internet etiquette) standards. Avoid using all caps (shouting), excessive emojis, texting language, or abbreviations in academic discussions or offensive language.
10. Inclusivity and Diversity:
Students are strongly advised to embrace diversity and inclusivity in their interactions. It is important to be sensitive to cultural differences and refrain from any form of discrimination or harassment of peers online.
11. Tone in Communications:
In all your communications, maintain a professional tone, considering that your interactions contribute to the overall learning environment. Colloquial language and sheng are not welcome in online discussions.
12. Use of Multimedia:
If you need to upload multimedia elements (images, videos, etc.) in your posts or assignments, double-check to ensure they are relevant to the discussion or assignment. Please note that once you post any multimedia element, you will not be able to remove it.
13. Stay on Schedule:
Adhere to the course schedule and deadlines for any required learning activity. Late submissions may affect your overall course performance.
14. Creating Awareness of Concerns:
If you encounter any issues or concerns with the conduct of your lecturers or fellow students that you consider inappropriate, do not remain silent. Report the matter to the appropriate university authorities or support channels.
15. Collaborative and Positive Attitude:
Always maintain a positive and collaborative attitude in all your online communications. A supportive community of learners enhances the learning experience for everyone involved.
By following these guidelines, you will contribute to a respectful and enriching online learning environment. Remember that your online conduct reflects not only on you but also on the university as a whole. Let's work together to create a conducive and respectful virtual classroom.
Welcome to the Student Support Guide! We're here to assist you throughout your educational journey, providing valuable information, resources, and guidance to help you excel academically and make the most of your educational experience.
Whether you're a new student navigating your first year of school, a graduate student working on your thesis, or anything in between, our aim is to provide you with the support you need to thrive. From study tips and time management strategies to advice on dealing with academic stress and finding campus resources, we've got you covered.
Feel free to explore our comprehensive library of articles and resources, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need specific assistance. We're here to support you every step of the way.
Best wishes for a successful and rewarding academic journey!